
网络搜集的单车穿越阿拉斯加山脉-Bill Hatcher(比尔 汉奇)摄影作品[12P]

美国国家地理 NG        最近一直在研究美国国家地理杂志图片的构图和色彩。上周末路过文轩书店,居然在角落里找到一栏摄影类的图书,在享受空调和摄影的快乐中度过了半个下午。其中有两本是国家地理关于风景摄影和户外探险摄影,从找到这篇“单车穿越阿拉斯加”的一组图片介绍,很早以前曾经写过一片过于国家地理杂志中单车穿越的的日志,尤其对这组图片感兴趣,继续搜索找到相对完整的一组图片。摄影师是Bill Hatcher(比尔 汉奇)并查找到他的个人网站www.billhatcher.com 一个风格鲜明的户外摄影师。户外摄影的很大是要求有很好的身体和体力,一大堆摄影器材就够受的了,还要到各种难以想象的环境中找到好的拍摄点,难度可想而知。相比坐在咖啡厅,一边喝着咖啡一边随手喀嚓,或让模特不断变换姿势,户外摄影的难度也不低。自己费尽心机搜罗了相对完整的图片,记得在那两本书里面有一张在土著猎人小木屋前的合影,有这张图片的朋友不妨告知一下。

美国国家地理 NG

   Where  Alaska Range, Alaska(拍摄地点  阿拉斯加山脉)  WHEN (拍摄时间 )  PHOTOGRAPHER   Bill Hatcher(摄影师 比尔 汉奇)
(中文部分由Always_Can 译)
 Three adventurers carry their mountain bikes during their seven-week, 775-mile [1,247-kilometer] expedition to cross the length of the rugged Alaska Range.
(Photograph taken on assignment for, but not published in, “Biking Across Alaska,” May 1997, National Geographic magazine)

美国国家地理 NG 

   Mountain Bike Traverse, Alaska Range, 1996
Photograph by Bill Hatcher
"Forced to dismount on soft ice and slog up a 6,000-foot-high [1,829-meter-high] pass, three adventurers press on in their effort to traverse the rugged Alaska Range by mountain bike. On their seven-week, 775-mile [1,247-kilometer] expedition the trio rode on glaciers, game trails, and gravel bars."   
—From "A Wild Ride: Biking Across the Alaska Range," May 1997, National Geographic magazine

美国国家地理 NG

   Handlebar Shot, Alaska Range, 1996 Photograph by Bill Hatcher
"A mounted remote-controlled camera captures a biker's-eye view of terrain sweeping past in Lake Clark National Park. Two days from the finish the group experienced some of its best riding as it followed flattened caribou trails. … 'You get into a special zone when you ride a bike here,' says cyclist Paul Adkins. 'You smile, look around, and say this is it!' 
—From "A Wild Ride: Biking Across the Alaska Range" May 1997, National Geographic magazine
 一架安装好的远程控制相机以骑车人的视角捕捉下克拉克湖国家公园(Lake Clark National Park)的沿途风光。他们的团队跟着北美驯鹿的踪迹,花两天的时间经历了最好的骑车旅行。“当你骑车来到这,你就进入了一个非常特别的地区,”骑车人保罗 阿德金斯说,“你微笑,四处张望,你会说就是这没错!”

美国国家地理 NG

   Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska Range, 1996
Photograph by Bill Hatcher
"Payoff for all the planning, all the aches and pains—a revelation of ice, rock, and sky greets the cyclists as they descend a thousand feet [305 meters] to Black Rapids Glacier. As a matter of pride and technique, they sought to avoid ’dabs’—putting a foot down for balance. They were doubly wary of ’endos’—pitching headlong over handlebars."   
—From "A Wild Ride: Biking Across the Alaska Range" May 1997, National Geographic magazine

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美国国家地理 NG

美国国家地理 NG

美国国家地理 NG



评论: 8 | 查看次数: 13661
文章来自: 泡泡熊·BLOG
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Tags: 国家地理 NG 摄影师
  • 1
赵大宝 [2008-08-11 04:45 PM]
引用来自 感谢 引用来自 感谢

感谢 [2008-08-08 12:18 AM]
佩服你 [2008-08-08 11:20 AM]
在网上搜Bill Hatcher找到你博客的.我也喜欢骑车的.把你这篇博文转帖到百度了.我已经明确注明你的博客地址了.实在太喜欢了.谢谢你.
所谓的 [2008-08-07 04:53 PM]
赵大宝 [2008-07-31 10:00 AM]
引用来自 刘险峰 引用来自 刘险峰

摄影师不是三个人之一,他负责整个行程的摄影工作... 阿拉斯加是一条很不错的单车路线
刘险峰 [2008-07-30 09:14 PM]
shinine [2008-07-29 12:53 AM]
庄大熊 [2008-07-28 08:20 PM]
  • 1
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